Amazing Beauty And Makeup

26 Transformations That Turned Women Into Real Queens

Every woman is beautiful, no matter what she herself thinks of it. A Russian makeover project called Perezagruzka (restart) and a local version of an international show, 10 Years Younger decided to prove it by turning ordinary women into real-life queens.

Though the projects are basically alike — they aim at making women feel more beautiful and confident — they’re not all exactly the same. One of them shows younger women in need of a style change and a new start in life. The project’s team changes their hairstyle, gives some makeup and skincare advice, rethinks their clothing choices, and solves other minor problems like demanding help from a dentist, for example.

The other project, 10 Years Younger, often requires more serious work to fight the aging process and the changes it brings.

Both projects aren’t makeover shows like we’re used to seeing. The creators think our inner problems affect our looks, so they invited some psychologists to work with the people on the show. Each of them tells her own story, and sometimes it’s a really difficult one. They speak out, cry, try to look at their life from a different angle, and eventually realize something really important about themselves.

Of course, not all the transformations are simple. Some of them take lots of time like, for example, if a woman undergoes plastic surgery. There’s no magic in it, though the changes seem that way. All of them are a result of the work of an entire team of stylists, fashion experts, dentists, cosmetologists, makeup artists, and more.

These women rock, but they receive serious help and even become educated on how to take care of themselves in the future to preserve the result.

Still, the main goal of these projects is to show women how gorgeous they are, let them look at themselves from another point of view, and give them the confidence they lack.

Yet even if the experts do their best to help, sometimes they face difficulties. Not all women are happy with their new style. Some of them try to argue with the stylists pushing them out of their comfort zone. Still, most of them end up accepting their new looks and agreeing that their new style is gorgeous.

Do you like to watch makeover shows? Which of the above transformations is your favorite? We’d like to know your thoughts on this topic!

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