It’s hard to imagine The Simpsons characters in any other form than their cartoon selves, but...
Category - Movies
20 Movie & TV Tropes That Make People Immediately Lose...
There are some common movie tropes that everyone has had enough of. From the bumbling nerdy girl...
20 Black and White Films That are HIGHLY Recommendable
“Some Like It Hot Not just the best B&W, one of my favorite movies of all time.” “Seven...
Who’s your favorite out of 18 superhero lookalikes from DC...
Captain America/Superman “Superman and Captain America are linked by shared values, shared roles...
15 Actors Posing Side By Side With Their Creepiest Roles By...
Angela Norris is a Brooklyn-based artist and the owner of Fxattics Studios, a shop where she makes...
20 Movie Titles That Were Translated In Funny Ways In Foreign...
A catchy title is one of the most important things that leads to a movie’s success. After all, it’s...
12 Actors Look So Alike That Someone Came Up With A Movie Script...
Someone had a great idea for a movie based on how similar some Hollywood actors look. According to...
People Are Saying Disney “Ruined” Cinderella With The Blu-Ray...
It has been almost 70 years since Disney released the Cinderella animated film. It shouldn’t come...
45 Best Memes Reacting To The Joker Premiere
The long-anticipated Joker has started traveling around the world’s movie theaters. This...
30 Most Hilarious and Unforgettable Friends Moments
Its influence in pop culture can still be seen today all over the globe, from the catch phrases...
30 Unseen Photos Taken Behind The Scenes Of Famous Movies
There’s hardly anything better than plopping down onto a sofa with a big bowl of popcorn and...
30 Celebrities Transformed Into Classical Paintings
The algorithm used to create the paintings was trained on more than 45,000 classical pieces of art...