
30 Funny Photos That Aren’t What They Seem

You’ll want to take your sweet time scrolling through this collection of brain-breaking pictures. Be warned, what you see is not always what you get.

1. “This storage building looks completely flat from this perspective.”

2. Two-headed chicken.

3. “This picture I took of 2 swans that looks like one swan with a smaller second head”

4. “The reflection of the light on my coffee looks like a glowing castle.”

5. “This material makes it look like the separators are transparent.”

6. “The shadow cast on this tree makes it look like it was burned black.”

7. “My dress shoe’s sole has worn out to make it look like it has an eye on the bottom of it.”

8. A floating TV remote

9. “My (handless) clock makes it look like the wall is buffering.”

10. “This sunset reflection looks like a demonic uprising.”

11. “The way sunlight hits this lamp in the afternoon makes it look like the lightbulb is on.”

12. “A reflection of ceiling lights in my coffee”

13. “This window filters out the exact wavelength of light that my gloves reflect.”

14. “Sparks bouncing down and around as I grind a hydraulic cylinder”

15. “This sleeping cat looks like a chicken wing.”

16. “The girlfriend asked me to take a pic of her playing with the cat, then this happened.”

17. “Had no idea my wife was part dog.”

18. “Bowling ball to the face!”

19. “Who left this metal pipe in the walk-in?”

20. “2-headed greyhound”

21. “My very flexible boyfriend”

22. “Jaybird playing with his happy friend”

23. “Wait, where are we going?”

24. “Woke up this morning and my wife asked, ’Where did the third fan blade go?’”

25. “Just dobermans being dobermans…”

26. “Afraid of the spring”

27. “My daughter peeled the sticky off of a tomato container and said, ’Daddy, look at the face!’”

28. “2 lovers sharing a kiss”

29. “Relax, take it easy.”

30. “Clouds coincidentally formed a firebird in the sky.”

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