
If You Have a Bunch of Chargers and Too Few Outlets, You Need to See This New Invention

Utah-based company, SnapPower, just came out with one of the more practical innovations of recent years, and it’s going to save you quite a bit of frustration…and battery.
The Kickstarter company and makers of last year’s ever popular, LED “Guidelight,” developed another useful gem – a wall outlet plate that allows you to charge your phone, or anything USB compatible, without having to occupy an outlet.

With the SnapPower Charger, you don’t have to constantly unplug and replug appliances, just to charge your phone.


So now, with the SnapPower Charger, you don’t have to choose between charging your phone, and making coffee.



The device provides its own USB port, while leaving those two essential outlets unbothered.


And installation is incredibly easy. Simply insert the plate over the outlet, and screw it on, just like you would any other wall-outlet plate.


The innovative device works by drawing power straight from the currents running in the internal screws on each side of the outlet.



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