
20 Fascinating Mysteries That Science Can’t Explain

#6. Why are left handed people so few?

Most of us know at least one left handed person and we always find it interesting when we see them write or do some other task that is typically done with the right hand. We even feel sorry for them sometimes for living in a world built for right handed people.

So why are they left handed in the first place? As you may of guessed by now, no one even our favorite scientists have any idea. There is a vague clue to genes, but as we already mentioned, scientist do not have a complete understanding of genes and have no way of proving that. And what is most interesting is that all statistics ever made point to a constant rate of about 10% of the population being left handed, and has not changed.

While trying to find an answer to this mystery scientists have stumbled onto another mystery, and that is “why do humans have a dominant hand and a dominant foot to begin with”.

And while science has yet to provide the answer, the world is still being forged for right handed people, and many left handed kids are being forced to use their right hands instead.

#7. Why is the sun’s atmosphere hotter than it’s surface?

Yet another modern mystery that has been uncovered recently. With their modern toys scientists have measured the temperature of the sun’s surface and it stands at about 6 000 degrees Celsius. That is hot enough to incinerate or melt anything you could think of instantly (Yes the Terminator too, he won’t even have time to do that iconic thumbs up). So thousands of degrees sound hot, but millions of degrees sound even hotter. And that is the temperature measured in the sun’s atmosphere.

So how is this even possible, the heat is coming from the sun, and yet it is cooler than its surroundings? Scientists have mumbled something about “greenhouse gasses” and “carbon dioxide pressure”, but those are just guesses.

The sun is keeping this mystery in the dark and is up to us to shine some light over it someday.

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