
30 Photos That Put The Mystery Of Our Existence Into Stark Perspective

16. It stands to reason, then, that there are stars that are far bigger than our sun. Just look at it scaled beside to the red hypergiant star VY Canis Majoris. This really shows you how gigantic stars can be.

17. VY Canis Majoris is by far the biggest known star in the universe. If you thought the sun looked small in comparison, consider this: it is one billion times bigger than our sun! That is absolutely massive!

18. If you were to decrease the size of our sun to the size of a white blood cell, and then reduced the size of the Milky Way galaxy using the same scale, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States. Is your mind blown yet?

19. This is what the Milky Way looks like in comparison to galaxy IC 1011, which is 350 million light years away from the Earth. Yes, our planet is so small in comparison that it doesn’t even register as anything more than a tiny speck!

20. There are thousands of galaxies in the universe, each containing millions of its own unique stars, and each with their own set of planets, too. This picture from the Hubble telescope demonstrates how this looks from outer space.

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